Managed Cyber Risk and Compliance

Build a strong cybersecurity program so your business can thrive.

We’ll assess the maturity of your current security measures and explore ways to improve them.

You’ll receive deep insights into any gaps or vulnerabilities you may have and get a roadmap to make your security program more aligned with your business objectives.

What you get:


CSF / CIS Assessments & Roadmap


Custom Phishes & Trainings


vCISO Hours

What Managed Cyber Risk Helps You Do

Organizations looking to optimize their security systems will prioritize their risk management. These are just a few reasons why.

Build A Long-Term Cybersecurity Program

Managing your risk allows for more accurate estimates, stronger policies, and better procedures against future threats. You’ll know what portion of your contingency budget to allocate to vulnerable areas. Not to mention, we’ll build sharper scenarios to help you stay prepared.

Align Risk Exposure To Business Objectives

Different vulnerabilities make a different impact on every organization. We’ll match your cybersecurity program to fit with your individual business goals.

Make Outcome-Focused Decisions

By letting us manage and assess your risks, you’ll have real-time data at your fingertips. Instead of fighting fires, you’ll be able to make fact-based decisions that help move your organization forward

Why Choose Pareto’s Cyber Risk Management Program?

Exactly how will our Managed Cyber Risk program keep your digital environment secure and compliant?

Take The Weight Off Your Teams' Shoulders

By letting our teams manage your risk, your security and technology teams will have more time and space to focus on other things. You'll meet and exceed program requirements without additional constraints on your resources.

Routinely Identify And Prioritize Your Risk

Our managed risk program routinely identifies, prioritizes, and mitigates internal and external cyber threats that have the highest chance of endangering your systems. You’ll also get advice on how to remediate the identified vulnerabilities.

Track And Manage Cyber Transformation

We’ll not only work to assess and get rid of threats, but we’ll also go further to see how your overall transformation performs and what gaps we need to fill.

Building a More Secure World, for Everyone

Get our years of experience in the cybersecurity and XDR space – brought straight to you through helpful resources and articles.